Saturday, November 14, 2015

Holiday Schedule

Here is my schedule for the holiday sales:

Local Artisans’ Craft Show
Sunday ~ November 15
12:00 — 3:00 pm
Unitarian Universalist Community Church 
22785 NW Birch Street
Hillsboro, OR 97124

Vancouver Holiday Market

Saturday, November 28th, 9am - 5pm    Sunday, November 29th, 10am to 4pm

Hilton Hotel
301 W 6th St
Vancouver WA 98660

Friday, July 31, 2015

August market schedule

I took a bit of vacation in Japan from mid June, but I am back!  It was great to see my family and friends there.  It was also awesome to be able to eat great sushi for half of the price we pay here!

The pics show my new item: berry bowls :-)
Here is my August schedule:
Saturdays, August 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29th - Art Court, right next to Beaverton Farmer's Market, from 8:30am to 1:30 pm

Sundays, August 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30th - Orenco Farmers Market, from 10am to 2pm

Friday, May 29, 2015

June Market schedule

Here is my June market schedule:
June 6th, Saturday - Art Court by Beaverton Farmers Market, 8:30am to 1:30pm
June 7th, Sunday - Orenco Farmers Market (in New Seasons parking lot), 10am to 2pm
June 14th, Sunday -  Orenco Farmers Market (in New Seasons parking lot), 10am to 2pm
June 20th, Saturday - Art Court by Beaverton Farmers Market, 8:30am to 1:30pm
June 21st, Sunday - Orenco Farmers Market (in New Seasons parking lot), 10am to 2pm

This is a French Butter Dish with Northern Light glaze.  Ever since I started making them last year, they have been very popular.  I make them in different colors, sizes, and shapes, upon customer's request :-)

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Market season 2015 is starting soon! and about Jiro, the samurai farmer

I just emerged from hibernation.  I stayed cooped up in my studio, building up my inventory throughout the winter, but finally the market season is starting up again!!  Here is my schedule for May:

Saturdays ( May 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30th) - Art Court by Beaverton Farmers Market, 8:30am to 1:30pm

Sundays ( May 3, 10, 17, 24, and 31st) - Orenco Farmers Market, 10am to 2pm

The  picture shows cereal bowls I made for my friend's kiddos.  I am so bad about keeping in touch with friends who live far away ( maybe because I am anti-Facebook ), and this is the only way I know how to show my appreciation for our friendship.  I hope they will enjoy the bowls :-)

I want to introduce a wonderful young man, who lives in Miyagi, Japan, running his own organic farm - I call him, "Jiro, the samurai farmer".  I met him a couple of years ago at one of the markets.  He was learning organic farming in Oregon.  After his time in Oregon, he went back to Japan and started Farm Muraoka from scratch.    Jiro and I agree that "making stuff with our own hands is awesome!"  You can see his work and passion towards his farm with beautiful pictures on his website:

マーケットがいよいよ今年も始まります! 予定は上記のとうりです。 皆様にお会いできますことを楽しみにしています。
今日は素晴らしい若者を紹介させていただきます。 村岡次郎さんは、2年ほど前にオレゴンに農業の研修のために滞在しておられました。 そのころに同じマーケットで出店していたことをきっかけにお会いしたのですが、自分の手でものを作る素晴らしさへの彼の熱い気持ちにとても共感いたしました。その後、次郎さんは日本へ帰国され、宮城県でオーガニック農園を始めました。何もなかった土地に農園を作り、今は立派なお野菜を愛情たっぷりに育てておられます。 彼の活動は村岡農園のホームページでごらんください:
みずみずしい野菜たち。。。おいしそうです。 そして、彼が撮影する農園の植物や、生き物たちの写真がこれまた素晴らしい! 遠くにいるので、次郎さんの野菜が食べられないのが残念ですが、応援しています。次郎さんの農業に対する真剣な姿に感銘を受け、”サムライ・ファーマー・ジロウ”と勝手に命名させていただきました。 次郎さん、いつでもオレゴンに遊びにおいで。応援してるよ!